Palombara Estate

Varieties: Primitivo
Vineyard area: 21 hectars
Altitude: 68 meters above sea level
Soil quality: Medium textured and clayey


The Palombara Estate is located in Lizzano, in the heart of the Ionian arc of Taranto, one of the most renowned wine-producing areas in the entire Apulian region. This estate, due to its unique characteristics, is entirely dedicated to the cultivation of Primitivo, a grape variety that is a true icon of the Taranto territory.

Palombara | Le tenute di Tenute Rubino - Casa del Susumaniello

Of the 24 total hectares of the Palombara Estate, located 68 meters above sea level, 21 are planted with vines. The soil, of medium texture, has a good presence of skeletal material and is composed of calcareous rock embedded in sedimentary clay and siliceous soil with a sandy component. At these latitudes, winters are never excessively cold and experience good precipitation, while summers are not marked by significant rainfall and maintain mild temperatures that rarely exceed 30°C. The Ionian Sea, only 8 km away from the Palombara Estate, plays a crucial role in the optimal development and ripening of the grapes due to its influence on the diurnal temperature variation. It is precisely the pedoclimatic conditions, and specifically the microclimate of this particular area of the Primitivo di Manduria DOC, that make the Palombara Estate an ideal setting for quality agriculture, capable of expressing itself best in the vine and, consequently, in the wine. The chosen training system is the Guyot.

Tenuta Palombara | Le tenute di Tenute Rubino - Casa del Susumaniello
